General Information
Important information about Winter safaris
Prices include return transport from the centre of Rovaniemi, driving time from the centre to the Huskypoint Käpälämäki is more or less 15-20 min. Total duration time includes 2x20min time for transportation. If you have a car at use and you don’t need transport we will reduce the prices.
Prices include clothing set that is: overall, boots, socks, mittens, scarf and hat. Despite the provided clothing you should be dressed warmly, long underwear, warm middle layer and socks (rather not cotton) and on top of your own clothing you will dress up a safari overall. Warmly dressed you will enjoy a lot more of the husky safari. Please pay an extra attention to dress up your kids warmly!
Guiding in English.
Before the dog sledding you will be given thorough safety instructions for handling the team. In all programs you can drive the team of huskies yourself.
Persons under 18-years old are not allowed to drive the team on their own.
Due to weather conditions trails may sometimes not be safe enough for beginners to drive. In these cases our guide will be your driver and you will be a passenger in the sled. Most likely this will be the case in early December and April. We reserve the right to change the trails due to weather conditions.
Please notice that dog sledding is not recommended during pregnancy, or if a person has a knee or back problems due to bumpy trails.
Please notice that you are not allowed to mush the team under the influence of alcohol due to safety of our dogs, yourself and other participants.
Please notice that we reserve the right to cancel or discontinue the safari due to safety our dogs and/or due to safety of the participants. Any kind of misbehaving towards our dogs is strictly forbidden.
Participants should be in a reasonable good physical condition
The speed of the dog team might be surprising in the beginning and handling the team requires concentration.
In all programs unless otherwise mentioned you will share a team and the sled with your partner.
Families will be in the same sled and one of the adults will be a driver. Big family e.g. 2 adults 4 children we will divided in two sledges and then both of the family adults will be drivers. We have sleds in different sizes.
None of our other winter programs are recommended to the children under 2 years. In other programs the time spent outside is reasonable long and there are no indoor premises in the forest. The noise of the dogs in a teams before they start running can be disturbing.
Total duration times are approximately times. Approximately distances are the average distances that are normally run during the program in question. Distance depends on the weather/snow conditions, the skills of the participants and the number of participants.
Remember the Camera! You are allowed to take pictures and filming the dogs and the surroundings. Only filming/videoing our guides is forbidden.
You should have a valid travel insurance in order to take part to any activities.